Algarve Car Hire best prices excellent service at Faro airport.
domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009
Algarve car hire booking in advance is a must
Car hire is something a lot of people put off to sort out until the last minute, long after they have
booked our flights and accommodation.
Things are changing and this is anymore a safe practice.
In previous years, this hasn't been a problem because there have always been enough vehicles available
in mainstream holiday resorts like the Algarve in Portugal and, unlike with airline fares, rental
costs haven't really fluctuated. But this year of 2009 was different.
Some holidaymakers who delayed booking their car hire in Portugal and Algarve until late ended up having to pay up to 100 Euros per day for a small vehicle - that's four or five times higher than the usual rate. Many others were unable to find a car at all. A lot of people who risked a late booking or no advanced booking at all saw their holidays in Algarve miserabily disgraced without a car for their transportation.
The situation is worst during the summer because Algarve car hire companies usually operate with smaller fleets during the winter and get more cars on credit for Summer depending on the season expectations and advanced bookings received.
Due to economic crisis everybody believed that very few tourists will come to Portugal this year, so the rent a car companies didn't reinforce their fleets for Summer.
Due to the recession, car manufacturers are making fewer vehicles anyway, and rental firms have been struggling to get credit from banks to purchase replacement cars.
This year, car rental fleets in Portugal have shrunk by 35 to 40 per cent, which means there were a lack of some thousand car hire vehicles only in the Algarve.
And, despite of a small decrease of tourism in the Algarve, it was not so bad as many suspected.
As a result, at peak times - over Easter and during July and August - there was a shortage of cars and with demand sometimes outstripping supply, prices went through the roof. The situation in Algarve was worst than the rest of Portugal.
A lot of holiday agents had big problems arranging car hire for their clients and the situation
brought a lot of bad feelings.
The Algarve Car Hire companies, on several occasions, weren't able to supply vehicles at all.
Some people who have booked their holidays in the Algarve tried to get a rental car in France or Spain to come to Portugal, which was also not easy.
Other simply had to find transportation using taxi or airport transfers.
Holiday broker companies had difficulties finding suitable vehicles for clients in Portugal and
Algarve. So what does the future hold?
These problems look set to continue at periods of peak demand like Easter and Summer mainly if holidaymakers don't plan and book their ahead.
Next summer is another cause for concern for Portugal car Rental companies.
If the recession does not slow down and people don't book their Algarve Car Hire ahead these
challenging conditions may repeat themselves next summer.
So, our advice is to book your Algarve Car Hire in advance to guarantee a car for next Summer in Algarve.
quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009
Summer aproaching
Summer is aproaching and the weather is already glorious in Algarve.
Spring is showing up with beautiful warm long days inviting to long trips enjoying this beautifull region of Portugal.
Maybe because people didn't well decided yet what to do with their vacations, we are facing last minute bookings, sometimes made with less than 24 hours in advance.
Although we understand that it is very hard to program trips with long time ahead because of the turbulent economic days we are living in, we would like to leave here a word to all our regular and new customers to try to book their car hire in Algarve with some advance so we can have time to make the necessary arrangements in our fleet to guarantee availability for all rental cars reserved through our website.
We firmly want to give our customers a good service and always have cars available when they arrive and, of course, we will never confirm reservations that are beyound our delivery capacity.
Summer is always a very busy season as it is the main holiday season for most people all over the world. Making your Algarve Car Hire reservations early for Summer help us to better program our fleet needs in advance and is also a guarantee for you, the customer, that your car will be available on your arrival and will be delivered in time.
So, please make your Algarve Car Hire reservations the earliest you can, avoid last minut stress and come enjoy the glorious sun in the sunny Algarve.
quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2009
Easter Car Hire in Algarve
Easter time this year was a little crazy. Our rabbit had a hard time to fill all our customer's requests and even end up refusing reservations.
We know all of us are having hard times with all these news about economy crunch and a lot of us are avoiding to plan ahead trips and vacations. All this causes turbolence when, suddenly, everybody decides last minute making their trips and car hire reservations. There's when it happens car hire crunch :-)
When our rabbit has to deal with a lot of undexpected last time reservations he must fail somewhere. Or he has not enough cars, or he isn't able of giving the good service and attention we insist to give our customers. And everybody feels bad.
So, to help us guarantee availability of cars and be able to give you the best service you deserve we ask all our customers to make their reservations the earliest they can. This way everything will go smothly, the cars will be ready in time, our rabbit will not stress and all this will reflect a better service to you with a big smile in our rabbit's face.
click here to Book ahead you Algarve Car Hire
terça-feira, 31 de março de 2009
Spring Break
Spring has arrived in the Algarve!
It's time for a break after the cold winter. The trees and flowers are already in blossom and the atmosfhere is the right one for a deserved break.
We know these are thought times with the economic crisis and all so we decided to give a help. We decided to run a special promotion for Spring 2009 with fantastic discounts so you can have your Algarve Car Hire at a best economic price.
So, it's time for you to take advantage and book now your car with a very special discount. Book now before all cars get booked for the season.
Go to our website at and make your reservation now.
See you in the Algarve!
Etiquetas: algarve car hire, break, car rental, cheap prices, easter season, faro airport, for, for spring, promotion, spring break